“…most people wearing extra support on their feet shouldn’t be.” If I told you to go buy a good running shoe, you’d probably look for something like the shoe pictured above. Cushy, breathable, with arch support and more cushion under the heel than under the toe. Lots
Read more →You’ve likely been there before. Running up a flight of stairs and feeling that twinge in your knee. Feeling your knees ache after a long day of walking. Waking up and feeling the stiffness as you put your feet on the floor. Knee pain is everywhere. Most
Read more →A Blood Pressure Miracle I had a patient come in the other day and tell me his visit to a health resort where they cook food for you and have all sorts of activities and teach you how to cook. The amazing thing, according to him, was
Read more →Chronic stress is a contributor in many injuries. What does chronic stress look like? As I mentioned in part 1 of this article, chronic stress looks like a lack of sleep, too much caffeine or sugar, an emotionally unstable job or relationship,1 lack of exercise or overtraining.2 These factors
Read more →Part 1: Avoiding Injury I see a lot of injuries in my office. In some cases, people can point to a specific cause–a fall, an accident, running into someone. Other patients tell me confusedly, “I have no idea how this happened.” In both cases, there’s usually a
Read more →What is gluten? Gluten a protein found in certain grains, specifically wheat, rye, barley, brewers yeast and products made from these grains (including beers, traditional soy sauce, and some lunch meats, soups, and gravies).1 Why is there so much talk about gluten? Some people are really allergic
Read more →Two of the most frequently co-occurring issues in my office are digestive problems and female hormone problems. Digestive problems include constipation, diarrhea (or alternation between the two), abdominal pain, gas, difficulty with digestion, burping, or bloating. Hormonal symptoms include abnormal menstrual cycle length, irritability, cramping, decreased libido,
Read more →Acid Reflux. GERD. Heartburn… It’s the burning in your chest after you eat or as you’re laying in bed at night. In many cases, acid reflux is treated with antacids or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). These lower the acid in your stomach, but too much acid production
Read more →Mostly, when we think about fat, it’s within the context of our chins, hips, thighs, and the like. If we think about eating fat, it’s generally related to buying low-fat yogurt, skim milk, and avoiding fat altogether. In truth though, fat is key to good health. Scratch
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